All the Emotions

So tomorrow night I leave and it is just starting to hit me that I am leaving Oviedo and going HOME!

Last night I had my first goodbye party where all the Calvin students gathered to say thank you and goodbye to our host parents. Sonia started off the night by saying that if I started crying, she would start crying – she is definitely family because that is a Koops move. I held it together through the hour of mingling, the showing of our spain video and then we sang My Friends May You Grow in Grace in english and spanish to them… Arielle’s host mom started crying, she started crying, so obviously I started crying… I walked over to Sonia and handed her a rose and she just took me in her arms for a great, big hug. I was obviously bawling because that is just me. While hugging me she said, “Emily, it has been wonderful living you and I will definitely miss you a lot.” I mean COME ON! How I am supposed to keep it together for that?! After hugging for a while I took a step back to pull myself together and saw that Sonia had started crying = waterworks started all over again. I think this was the first time that I accepted that fact that going home meant leaving Sonia. Sonia has honestly been the best part of Oviedo. I have very much so struggled with being away from my family these past 5 months and Sonia has been so great. She took care of me while I was sick; made me hot chocolate when she saw that I was stressed; she took me on a Queen Letizia tour for my birthday; she has been the best host mother a girl could ask for. As excited as I am to go home, I am also that sad to be leaving Sonia and Oviedo. If it were possible to move my entire family to Oviedo, I would.

Today we had our Calvin group goodbye party as some of the group starts the process of going home and traveling tonight and tomorrow. We enjoyed each other’s company as a group of 27 students and 3 professors for the last time and that was hard as well. It didn’t really feel like a goodbye because most of us are flying back together, but it still hard to believe that it was the last time I will see some of the group for a long time.

I have been avoiding the packing process because I wanted to avoid all the goodbyes and recognizing that the semester is actually over. This whole semester I have been looking forward to the day that I got to go home that I didn’t stop and think that going home meant no more group dinners, no more group complaining over classes and homework, no more study parties, no more traveling, no more churros and chocolate, no more beautiful walk to school, no more Spain. This semester has been incredibly difficult and challenging, but it showed me that family is more important to me than I originally realized – there is no way I could live anywhere but West Michigan. I can’t imagine having to take a flight to see my family or having to calculate the time difference to see if it is ok to call them. Some people, cough*ABBY*cough, still haven’t learned the whole time difference thing. Though I am always excited to talk in English and see family, 3am Spain time is not the best time to facetime me if you want me to be in a good mood and look presentable.

Currently, I am 1 day and 18 hours away from boarding the plane. After 9 miserably long hours on the plane I will be in Chicago and reunited with family and friends. It is crazy to think that 5 months have passed when it feels like I just hopped in the car with my parents and cried my way to the airport. These next 24 hours of empty time will be excruciating, but I will survive because each hour that passes is another step closer to seeing my family again and being surrounded by hugs – my word I miss hugs!

This is my last blog post until I am home. Thank you! To all who have prayed for me these past 5 months! Your prayers have honestly carried me through! I honestly would not have made it the full 5 months without you guys. I love you all and can’t wait to be reunited with you guys soon!

Con Amor,

emily jo koops

May 15 ~ Birthday Girl!

Ok short post for my birthday…

For my birthday I had to give a presentation in my Art History class. Not the best start to my birthday, but hey, school has to happen as well. After my presentation, I went and got churros and chocolate with a cup of coffee at my favorite cafe – La Buena Nueva. Then I hopped on a bus and went to Llanes for the day! Llanes is a beautiful little town on the coast. Rachel and I spent the day meandering through the city, eating lunch alongside the port and then went to the spa. We had a coupon for an hour at the spa and decided that my birthday was the perfect day to use it! So we got lost trying to find the spa, but we arrived just in time to find out that we had the entire place to ourselves for the entire hour! How wonderful is that?! We had a sauna, cold pool, warm pool and a hot tub just for the two of us for an hour. We relaxed for the full hour and then made our way home. I had dinner with Sonia as we made our plans to celebrate my birthday the following day and then went out with some girl friends for the night – a little Girls Night Out 🙂

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Saturday morning Sonia and I started our day early with a road trip to “El mirador” which is this beautiful look out point at the top of a mountain. You can see the entire coast line and all the mountains. We took pictures and then hoped back in the car and drove back down the mountain. Unfortunately, car sickness was hitting me pretty hard because all the roads up the mountain are very curvy. Once we made it down the mountain, we stopped in Ribadesella which is another little coastline city. There we ate lunch together, walked along the water, stopped for coffee, got ice cream, and then got Letizia chocolate. Letizia is the Queen of Spain and her grandparents live in Ribadesella; she spends her summers there. How cool is that!? I was in the same place as the Queen of Spain. Then I remembered that she is from Oviedo and that I have actually been living in her hometown for 5 months now. After ice cream and chocolate, we made our way back to Oviedo and did a Queen Letizia tour of Oviedo. I saw her elementary school, her college and the building of her first job – she was a journalist for the newspaper La Nueva España. Despite the carsickness, it was a wonderful day with beautiful weather! Asturias is a beautiful region of Spain and I am definitely going to miss it.

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Burgos ~ Segovia ~ Paris

Got back from Denmark on a Tuesday and left for Burgos Friday morning! Not much time to relax and catch up on sleep! In Burgos we got to tour the cathedral and do a little bit of shopping. A group of girls and I rode the carousel because it was $1.20 so why not? We were surrounded by children under the age of 5 but we were enjoying ourselves and that is all that mattered.

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We then made our way to Segovia where the roman aqueduct still stands and it is absolutely beautiful. I ate lunch in the grass underneath the aqueduct!?! How cool is that? We then toured the cathedral and toured the castle. The castle in Segovia is the inspiration behind Walt Disney’s castle of Disney World. So that was pretty exciting to see and walk through.

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I then spent the following weekend in Paris, France! Ahhh so exciting! Our first night there we went to the Arc of Triumph and walked the main boulevard and found a shop that sold some macaroons. On our walk back towards our apartment we got some of our first glimpses of the Eiffel Tower. Turns out we were a 10 minute walk from the Eiffel Tower!

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We woke up early Saturday morning because we had all of Paris to see. We started the day off with coffee as any sane person would do. I told Starbucks my name was Emily and when I got my coffee it has Amelie written on it. Ahhh so french – I love it! We started the day at the Louvre where we saw every type of art including the Mona Lisa. I don’t understand all the excitement on that painting. It is relatively small and it has an entire wall to itself. I very much so preferred not being run over by people and looking at the other, less popular painting and sculptures. After many hours in the Louvre, we made our way to the Love Lock Bridge. Apparently it fell down from the weight of the locks so there is boards over all the railings so that no more locks can be added. 😦 But I sat on the bench and felt like I was a part of the final scene from the movie Now You See Me. I was kind of geeking out about that one. We then made our way all the way across the city to a basilica that I don’t remember the name of but there was a lot of steps to get there haha. It was beautiful though. In one church there was all stain glass windows that told the entire story of the Bible; in the other church we went to the organ was playing and we sat and listened for a very long time! Organ music echoing through a giant cathedral is possibly the most beautiful thing in the world. We finished off our night with dinner in the lawn in front of the Eiffel Tower while the sun set so that we could see the Eiffel Tower light up. It only stays lit up for 5 minutes! It was worth the wait though because it was absolutely beautiful.

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Our final day in Paris we spent walking to the Eiffel Tower and climbing all those stairs. We made it all the way up to the second level! My legs were killing me! That is a lot of steps to climb especially after walking the entirety of Paris the day before. It was worth the pain because the view was spectacular! Unfortunately, after making our way down, we had to head back to the apartment and pack to make our flight. Overall, it was a wonderful trip.

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I am now in my final few days in Oviedo. Sadly, I am not sad to leave. I am SO READY to come home and be surrounded by family and friends once again. My birthday week has been crazy busy with papers, presentations and exams that I just want school to be done. On a positive note, after I am done giving my presentation in my class tomorrow, I am going to spend the day in Llanes and go to a spa for my birthday. That’s pretty exciting! But as of this moment I have 8 days and 18 hours until my flight leaves Madrid! Yea for going home!!

It was bound to happen… travel struggles for Denmark & Germany

Of all the countries in Europe, Denmark is the one I wanted to visit. Wish granted! JoAnna has family friends that live in Denmark and they volunteered to house us for a long weekend. We had everything in order to get to Denmark from Thursday to Tuesday. Our bus left Oviedo for Madrid airport at midnight, so we met up and hopped on the bus. Over seven hours later we arrived at the airport – no sleep occurred on the bus. We then waited at the airport for our 12:30 flight. We kept checking the board to see where we checked in and it was not showing up. We checked every fifteen minutes until 10:30 where we went to the information desk confused at why our check-in info wasn’t up. Turns out we were at the wrong terminal with the wrong boarding time… Our flight left at 10:15. Frantic, we got on the inter-airport bus and rode 15 minutes to the right terminal and tried to figure out how we were going to get to Denmark. Panic and tears were on the verge of exploding out of us both, but we held it together enough to find a one-way flight to the Hamburg where our hosts were planning to pick us up. With new plans, we had to email and facebook everyone about our change of plans so that we would not be left at the airport. 9 hours after arriving at the airport we finally got on a plane and made our way to Hamburg, Germany. Once in Germany, we couldn’t find Carolyn (our host) and had no way of communicating with her besides facebook. In airports you only get 30 minutes of free wifi so we both connected and facebook was the one thing that was not working. Flustered, we tried to figure out where we were and which terminal we were supposed to be in – wrong terminal AGAIN! We made our way to the right terminal and found Carolyn. We then had a 2 hour drive to finish out our full day of travel. We figured out that we nearly hit 48 hours without sleep with the exception of a couple 20 minute power naps.

We made our way to Denmark and talked with Carolyn. We stayed in Sønderborg, Denmark which is a tiny little city on the cost. The apartment is right on the water with a beautiful view.


We got there and Larry warmed up some homemade lasagna for us to eat – SO GOOD! Real food is honestly the best thing in the world after a day of airport/processed food. They asked us what our plans were for the weekend and warned us that it was supposed to rain for the entirety of our stay – go figure. Friday, we slept in and walked around the city in the morning. We had to go to the bank because Denmark does not use the euro so we made a stop. The smallest amount you could take out was 100 kroner; we panicked because we thought that was a lot of money. Looking at the prices of all the merchandise in the stores made us even more panicked as postcards were 30-40 kroner. Curious, we looked up the exchange rate, 1 Euro = 7.5 Kroner. Hahaha It was definitely an adjustment to get used to seeing such “high” prices and paying 25 kroner for an ice cream cone. In the afternoon we took a bike ride through the city. We went up a huge hill, but the path back down took us along the cost which was absolutely beautiful. For dinner, Larry and Carolyn took us out for dinner. Dinner was followed by softice which is a type of ice cream; Larry said we had to make sure we had room for ice cream because it was just so good. We then went to bed as soon as we returned because we hadn’t fully recovered from our travel day.

Saturday morning we were woken up with eggs, bacon, toast, fruit and juice. While sitting at the dinner table Larry and Carolyn gave us options of plans they had thought up for us: we could spend the weekend traveling through Berlin together, we could go to the Danish amusement park for the day, or we could go to the only privately owned castle left in Denmark on a different island. We decided on the castle after much debate about how bad we were at making decisions. Carolyn’s daughter, Autumn, is 6 years old and traveled with us. We had to take a ferry to get to the island which was a blast. Autumn got ice cream on the ferry and ate French fries with JoAnna and me. We meandered around the castle and played on the playground. We also got to see the collection of old motorcycles, cars, planes and hot air balloons that they had. We toured the parts of Egeskov castle that were open to the public and took a bunch of pictures with Autumn. She stuck pretty close to JoAnna and me throughout our stay.

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Sunday was a chill day filled with homework, doing hair (Autumn wanted to do our hair) and relaxation.

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Monday was grocery day for Carolyn – she gets groceries in Germany because groceries are three times more expensive in Denmark than in Germany. We went with her and walked the streets of Flensburg, Germany while she did her grocery shopping. We met up with her at the plaza and had lunch together before heading back to Denmark and picking up Autumn from school.

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We then had an ice cream date with Autumn. We walked down the coast/board walk to this little ice cream shop where we all ordered Autumn’s favorite ice cream – softice with oreo toppings. We sat at a picnic table and talked while eating our ice cream. Autumn is such a hoot – anything we say we like she says it is her favorite thing.

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Monday night we had to say our goodbyes, but we woke up early so that we could say one last goodbye to Autumn before she left for school and we left for the airport. Carolyn drove us to the airport and made sure we were all checked in before leaving us – she knew all about our flight struggles on the way to Denmark and wanted to make sure we made it back to Oviedo safely. We made it on the flight and said that nothing bad can happen on this flight because everything that could have possibly gone wrong went wrong on our flights to Denmark. We thought we were safe – wrong! As drinks were being passed out the man next to me (window seat) slipped his sprite on my computer and the flight attendant took her dear sweet time giving me napkins. ALL THE PANIC! I have a paper and a presentation due this week that I NEED my computer for. The man didn’t even say sorry! He just asked if I needed more napkins… Thankfully, my computer is fine.


Spring Break was an amazing adventure filled with beautiful sites, wonderful people, delicious food, and all the emotions!

So before spring break started I went into a clinic and found out that I did in fact have bronchitis – I know myself so well! I was given antibiotics and cough syrup to take for 10 days. With spring break around the corner, I was excited to get the medicine in my system and get passed this whole being sick deal. But my next struggle was getting my cough syrup on spring break with me: (1) it was way more than 3oz (2) the medicine was in a glass bottle. My travels thus far have taught me that Europeans are pretty chill about their flying rules so I thought I would try to throw it in my carry on and if it got taken away I would still have my antibiotics – not the end of the world. Guys, I got through security with a glass bottle that was nearly full of cough syrup without them giving me a second look. I am convinced that the United States is the only country that actually cares about flying rules and passports because I have officially gone to three different countries without needing my passport – that means no stamps in my passport!! So disappointing.

My first day in the Netherlands was spent in Amsterdam. We arrived late but we took the time to stop to take a picture of the “I am Amsterdam” sign.


We started our day early the next morning with Dutch pancakes. My first Dutch pancake was strawberry. We meandered around the city looking at old buildings and stopping in every cheese shop and eating all the free samples – we even made a lunch of it with all the stores we went in J

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We then made our way to the outdoor market and did a little shopping. We started the following morning with the VanGogh museum because it was raining and walking in the rain with a jacket without a hood is no fun. I felt right at home surrounded by all the VanGogh art – thank you, Tulip Time!

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The rain did not let up and neither did the freezing temperatures so we made our way to another pancake place after the museum. Here, I bought an apple cinnamon pancake that was AMAZING! Seriously, so good! The apples were baked into the pancake. Afterwards, my shivering got the best of me and I bought a cheap, tourist-y hat – I had tourist written all over me wearing it but at least my ears were warm.

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On the 30th we braved the elements to wait in line to see the Anne Frank house. Two hours and 40 minutes waiting in line to see the Anne Frank house – my whole body was frozen! We even arrived before the place even opened. It was a long wait but it was worth it. It was great to climb the stairs and stand in the rooms that I have read about so many times. At the end of the tour there was a video that I wrote down two quotes from: “All her would-haves are our opportunities” – Emma Thompson and “One doesn’t have to be a great hero to change the world.”

After a long morning in the Anne Frank house we decided to go tandem bike riding. Everyone bikes in the Netherlands and we thought it would be fun to tandem bike because there were four of us. Also, renting two bikes is way easier than renting four bikes. Guys, riding a tandem bike is actually really difficult. I was on a bike with Monique and we had people taking pictures of us because we were struggling so much. People were actually stopping, laughing, and taking pictures. We finally made it to Vondelpark without getting hit or hitting anyone and we found our rhythm. We round around together until we found a playground that is for big kids. Of course we had to stop and play!

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The next morning our group of four divided into two groups of two. Leeana wanted to visit Groningen because that is where her family is from and Amanda and I continued on to Den Haag. We took a train and then struggled a little bit trying to figure out how to get to our hotel. After asking the information desk 3 times the exact same questions, we finally got on the right tram towards our hotel. Then we had to go and miss our stop and walk all the way back to the previous stop to find our hotel. On a positive note, we passed the entrance to the Westbroek park along the way which was really pretty. After checking in and dropping off our bags at the hotel we made a picnic and ate it in the park. We then visited pretty much every historic site in Den Haag: Binnehof Castle, the parliament buildings, old churches, the peace palace. My favorite was the peace palace. The Peace Palace is the international justice building where the United Nations meets. Is that not the coolest thing? Outside the palace there is a world peace flame surrounded by the names of all the participating countries. On the other side of the drive there is a tree where you can tie your wish for world peace. Ahh it was honestly so cool. I was giddy excited the entire time we were at the palace.

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Monique and Leeana joined us later that night so we repeated some of the same sights Amanda and I had seen and also visited the Escher Museum – an optical illusion museum. After the museum we took a tram out to the beach because we were close so we thought why not? It was freezing! I had been cold the entire trip thus far but this had hit a new level of cold. Amanda was a crazy person and went in the water while I stayed nice and dry on the beach.

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Our next city was Rotterdam. Our first stop after checking in to our hotel was the cube apartments. Super cool but they would be such a pain to live in. We then found this market filled with amazing food where we ate freshly made syrup waffles – SO GOOD! After eating all the free samples we made our way to Laurenskerk Church. While looking through the signature book I found the most precious, anonymous message written by a little boy. After the church we went to the Erasmus Bridge and found a restaurant to eat our final dinner with Leeana before she returned to the U.S. I thought I had a 25% coupon so we ordered the good stuff off the menu. After we finished, I gave the waiter our coupon. He came back to tell me that the coupon was only good for salads, not our meals. Wow, can one struggle any more than that?! We took the long way back to our apartment, got lost on the trams, took a nearly 2 hour detour/mini night tour of the city and then said our goodbyes to Leeana. She made is back to the states safely, but she will surely be missed by all of us in Oviedo. Our last day in Rotterdam was spent in in a little city outside of Rotterdam called Delfshaven. It is super cute and historic which is very different from the modern city of Rotterdam.

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Antwerp was our final destination. I was so excited to see the zoo in Antwerp!!! That was honestly the only thing I cared about for the entire spring break trip. We had to walk through the train station to get to the zoo but were stopped by a large crowd of people. There was a break dance competition going on in the train station! How cool is that? There we kids as young as 6 years old just busting a move in the middle of the train station. It was the cutest thing. We stayed and watched for well over an hour. We got to the zoo and they had jacked up their prices for Easter Week – not cool. We had set a limit at the beginning of the trip that we weren’t willing to exceed to museums and zoos and the Antwerp zoo was above our budget… I took a picture of the outside though so that kind of counts right? Oh well, I will just have to visit the zoo in Grand Rapids this summer. Antwerp brought many more adventures, though. We went to one of the many chocolate shops and tried the famous Belgium chocolate – SO GOOD! We also ate Belgium waffles in Belgium because why not? Equally as good!

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We made our way to the main plaza of Antwerp by following the music. In the plaza, there where a bunch of people dancing away. In the plaza in front of the cathedral there was a violinist and a bassist playing so of course I had to listen to that for a while! We went to bed early because the next day was filled with many hours of travel to get back to Oviedo. We woke up at 6:45 to take a 30 minute train ride to a bus station. The bus then drove us 30 minutes to the next train station where we boarded a train to Amsterdam airport which took an hour. The bus ride in the middle was because of rail construction. Our flight left at noon and landed in Madrid around 2:30pm. When leaving the airport we passed a wall of people with welcome home signs and happy reunions. I was so close to tears it was ridiculous. It may have just been lack of sleep but I wanted to go home so bad. Our bus for León left at 4:45pm: that bus ride was three and a half hour long. We then waited at the León bus stop for many hours until or bus from León to Oviedo showed up – 30 minutes late might I add. Around 10:30pm we finally boarded the bus and started the final leg of our journey back to Oviedo. At this point I am crazy motion sick, sleepy, and ready to be in bed. Our bus driver was a crazy person and the worst driver I have ever met in my life. She should have her license taken away because I have never been so motion sick. She took ever turn way too sharp and way to fast and then add the whole driving through the mountains – Emily = done. We arrived in Oviedo a little past midnight and then I needed to walk the 15 minutes back to my house. I was so tired when I got back that I fell asleep with all my things on my bed/on top of me. I woke up late and not ready to start the day or go to class for that matter.

I got back from class and had to write a 4 page paper – procrastination is my best friend and my worst enemy… After my 4pm Calvin class my throat started to hurt which is weird because I finished my antibiotics for my bronchitis 4 days ago. This is a different kind of sore throat though. It hurts to swallow and even move my tongue. Sonia told me that I need to go back to the doctor but I really don’t want to but I know I should. The struggle is real. Honestly though, I haven’t been sick in the longest time and now that I am in a different country I get sick back to back – not cool.

On a positive note, after class today I planned a trip to Paris for the week before my birthday and I am going to Denmark the end of this month. Trying to get all the traveling in while I am in Spain!

Con Amor,

Emily jo koops

The Adventures of Portugal

The bus for Portugal left at midnight on Thursday (March 12) and I thought it would be a quiet bus ride to Lisbon… Furthest thing from the truth. Apparently ESN groups travel in style which means we had a party on the bus and by party I mean they did superman. Superman is when you line the aisle with people and then proceed to crowd surf a person the length of the bus WHILE we were moving. I was very entertaining as I watched from my seat – not about to participate in that. We arrived in Lisbon in the morning and dropped off our stuff at the hostel and proceeded with a tour of the city. All 65 of us looked like walking zombies or at least that is what I felt like. Lisbon is a beautiful city though so it was definitely worth it. After our short tour we were given the chance to rest up and shower before we had a get-to-know-the-group get together in the evening. The group hung out until 4am in the morning – not the wisest decision based on our sleep from the previous night but it was great to get to know other exchange students from England, Germany, Mexico and so many other places.

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Saturday we took the bus to Belem and got to see 3 historical sites and got to eat the pastry that is famous in this city – SO GOOD! Being the picky eater I am, JoAnna and I bought one together to split just in case I didn’t like it but it ended up being really good and I only got to have 1/2 of one 😦 Oh well. One of the historical sites was a tower that is surrounded by water. It was a combination of things over the course of its history: prison, lighthouse, museum.


From Belem we went to Porto. Porto was by far my favorite of the three cities. Porto is known for their tilings on all the buildings. In the train station we visited the entire entry way was covered in 20,000 tiles that told the entire history of Portugal. After the train station we walked to an outdoor market along the river and had 3 hours of free time for lunch and shopping. After our break we went and toured a winery and followed up the tour with a river boat tour of the city. You can’t get much better than that to end a trip.

unnamed-3unnamed-4This is a photo of the library that the Harry Potter library was based off of. Unfortunately the place was closed but at 65 of us took our turns pressing our faces against the window to look at the inside.

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After a very long bus ride we arrived in Oviedo at 4am on Monday. I then had to walk back to my apartment and finally made it to bed about 5am. My alarm was set for 9am because I had class… I am not one to fall asleep in class but I had the hardest time staying awake. That night I went to bed as soon as dinner was done which is unheard of here in Spain. 9pm bed time for me; 9:30pm dinner time for the rest of Spain. I needed the sleep though. I woke up Tuesday morning sick – coughing, sore throat, the whole works. I started asking other people who went on the trip if they were sick because we shared drinks and I had to have caught it from someone. No one is sick! I don’t understand how I was the only one to get sick. Thinking it was just a little bug I did nothing for the first few days but Thursday and Friday were not so great. I didn’t catch most of what was said in my classes over my coughing. The homework load was also super high this week because next week is spring break here at University of Oviedo. I was staying up late to try and finish the two papers and project due on Thursday and Friday which didn’t help my sickness either. Thursday is when Sonia started to freak out about my being sick. She heard me coughing and thought it was from the smoke is the house from her making burgers. When she realized it was because I was sick she got out her flower tea that makes all things better. She told me to look up the flower – it looks like the lacy white flower that is an obnoxious weed at our house. haha Sonia doesn’t like medicine really and leans more towards alternative methods such as flower tea. Sonia always calls me the doctor of the house but she has been giddy excited about taking care of me with flower tea and dissolving pills and calling herself the doctor. It is quite precious to see how excited she gets.

The other night she was concerned about me having a fever and asked me if I had a fever. How in the world am I supposed to know that?! I had been feeling hot and cold in waves so she got out her thermometer. It told me I was 33.8˚C – I have no idea what that means, but Sonia said it was incorrect and that I had to do it again: 34.4˚C. Curious, I looked up the conversion. A normal person is between 35-37˚C and a fever is anything above 38˚. She asked me if I normally run cold. I told her that I don’t normally take my temperature because when I think I have a fever my mom just kisses my forehead and tells me whether I do or not. Regardless, I think her thermometer is broken. So far I have stayed in bed all weekend trying to catch up on sleep and get ahead of this sickness. I did some medical research and I think it is bronchitis and seeing as I have had bronchitis like 10,000 times I am pretty confident in my conclusion. I am on day 2 of Sonia medicine so we will see how well it works over the weekend but if it is still bad on Monday, I may go in to see a doctor. A girl in our Calvin group has acute pneumonia and I surely don’t want to let my sickness get out of hand. Prayers that I get healthy before I leave for spring break would be much appreciated.

Con Amor,

emily jo koops

Keeping Busy ~ Traveling like Crazy

Want to hear about a crazy, busy week?!

This past weekend I was in Barcelona. I can now say that I can successfully get to an airport, find my gate and reach my destination on my own. I left Friday (March 6) afternoon with JoAnna and we arrived in the early evening. Of course we wanted to explore after finding our apartment so we walked around in the gardens surrounding the Olympic stadium for a few hours and found a restaurant for dinner. Everything is in catalan which isn’t spanish. It is just a little different. For example, ciudad is city in spanish but cuidat is city in catalan. Saturday we wanted to see the sites so we walked around ALL of Barcelona. We found a mall and an official FC Barcelona store where we bought jerseys – SO COOL! We then saw the cathedral and Sagrada Familia. We didn’t go in either of them because we are cheap and didn’t want to pay haha. We eventually found ourselves on the coast and thought we could walk the coast back to a place we recognized and make our way back to the apartment. At this point we had walked about 8 miles and our feet were hurting so we were looking to get ASAP. There was a beach so we took off our shoes and walked barefoot in the sand along the water! So wonderful that it was warm enough to do that. There was a bunch of people playing what looked like volleyball on the beach but it ended up being soccer volleyball – they were only using their feet and head. Turns out you can’t take the coast the entire way though because there is a huge port in between where we needed to be and where we were. Such an adventure. We thought we would return around 5pm and ended up getting back at 8:30pm – all the adventures haha.

Sunday morning we woke up bright and early because BARCA GAME!! We left early and went out for breakfast and walked to the stadium. We didn’t know if Spain did the time change so we left plenty on time just to be safe. We made it to the stadium faster than we had expected and then realized that Spain does not participate in the time change – aka we were a little over 2 hours early for the FC Barcelona game… On a positive note we were first in line!!! We found our seats and we were in the 16th row from the field!!! So close it was crazy! We were taking pictures of the field and this random guy wanted to take a picture of JoAnna and I because we were wearing matching Barcelona jerseys and we were obviously americans – spaniards love americans. Barcelona beat Rayo Vallecano 6 – 1 and Messi got 3 goals! I got two of the goals on video because I was that close so why not take video 🙂 I was so giddy excited the entire time I was smiling like a little girl.

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We arrived to the Asturias airport at 11:01am on Monday – a bus leaves every hour for Oviedo so we had to wait an hour until the next bus came to take us back. I finally made it back to my apartment at 1pm and had to quick shower and do my homework for class at 4pm. Class was a struggle!! I was so tired. The rest of the week was a continuous game of trying to catch up on sleep which never happened. This week was filled with so much homework, projects and papers you would think we were in midterm week.

Today, I woke up early to get homework done when I received a message from Monique – a girl on the trip with me. She is crazy sick and was supposed to go to Portugal this weekend. She had already paid for the trip and wanted someone to enjoy it even if she couldn’t: she offered me her place on the trip! Of course I want to go! I am great at last minute plans – it’s a Koops thing. SO at 10:30am this morning I decided that I was going on the Portugal trip which leaves at 11:30pm tonight. I got home from class at 6:30pm and had to rush to pack up all my things and get everything in order. Now I am relaxing for a few hours until I leave. Ahhh how cool is it that I can just up a go to a different country?! I figured out that in the month of March I will be in 4 different countries (Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium) and 9 cities! Also, I am going to be taking a weekend trip to Denmark in April.

In my Calvin class today we talked about how towards the middle of the semester abroad people slump and question why they are here and want to go home – that is definitely me right now. Yes, I have crazy awesome travel plans but I would give it all up in a heart beat to have a Chinese Movie night with my family tonight. These past few months I could see myself living in Spain and working in a hospital in a city like Toledo but this past week I couldn’t imagine myself in anywhere but West Michigan. They say that lasts for a few weeks and that things would return to my original feelings, but I don’t believe it. I am such a family person that I can’t imagine being away from my family longer than 5 months. Their are a bunch of girls staying after we finish school here to backpack across Europe and I think they are crazy. I am so excited to get on the plane and to go home. I am that girl who looked up home much plane tickets cost to go home over spring break and surprise my family – don’t get too excited, it costs WAY too much for me to do that, but I want to. A lot of other people have said that they haven’t even missed home yet – I can’t say that. I count down every day until my return in May. Saturday is my half way point that marks 70 days in Spain and 70 days until I return. I am hoping the rest of March and April fly by! I can’t wait to see my family and friends! Yes, I will miss Spain and Sonia, but nothing compares to a night of eating Chinese food and having a movie marathon.

Con Amor,

emily jo koops

Laugh Until You Cry

This isn’t really a post, but it is a really funny story about Sonia:

Sonia splurged last night at the grocery store and bought REAL hamburgers made of 100% cow! Usually she buys burgers that are a mix of pig and deer. The burgers were really thick so she said they were going to take awhile to make, so I sat in the kitchen to just talk. Sonia said that she was going to cut into one of the burgers to see if it was cooked all the way through. When she started to cut it, juices squirted out and she screamed “Oh my goodness!! That is so gross! This is why I don’t like meat! It looks like someone was murdered in the kitchen. There is blood everywhere!!!” Mind you there was a little bit of juice (not blood) on the counter and a little on the cabinets. I was almost on the floor laughing. She then refused to eat the burger because it was just too gross but she had already made the bun up with all the necessities of a burger – she just put sliced turkey on it and called it good. She is still in disbelief that I ate my entire burger with no problems. haha too cute.

2 Months Down… 3 To Go

I have officially been in Spain for 8 weeks and that blows my mind. It feels like just yesterday that I said goodbye to my family and got on the plane. To be honest, I am glad that the time is going by fast. Having my parents in Spain last weekend was wonderful but it also showed me how much I miss spending time with my family. While spending the weekend with my parents in Piedras Blancas, we played Heads Up and we laughed so hard. It has been awhile since I laughed that hard and had so much fun. I am so focused on my studies and do well in my classes that I tend to forget that I am in Spain. When I get home though… I demand that we play a game of Heads Up as a family and have a movie night.

I recently found out that my summer class that I am taking at Calvin starts May 26 which happens to be 3 days after I get home. That does not leave me with much time to enjoy family time and relax. I am also hoping to move to Grand Rapids this summer so that I am not commuting 45 minutes into school every morning – but that hasn’t been decided yet. Yea Organic Chemistry, so excited to spend the entirety on my summer learning! It is a decision I had to make though in my journey towards medical school which I have been getting more and more excited about as it gets closer.

As for Spain, It has been raining a lot lately and we haven’t gotten any more snow which is wonderful! Although, we have flooding problems now as all the snow is melting and it continues to rain. Thankfully Oviedo is staying pretty dry and we are avoiding all the flooding of the rivers. On an exciting note, Spain had an earthquake this past week. I know that’s not exciting in the true sense of the word, but it was only a 5.3ish earthquake and no damage was done that I know of. Also, Luis from Pasabalabra WON!!! The show is not the same without him, but our cheering for the past two months have paid off.

Now, my parents took most/all of the pictures while they were here so if you want to see any of those pictures I suggest looking at my dad’s facebook page 🙂 I must now end my procrastination and go back (aka start) studying for my final exam I have for one of my classes on Monday.

Con Amor,

emily jo koops

Snow, Exams, Travel

First off, I apologize for it being more than 2 weeks since I last updated. Last week was very hectic.

February 5 we got snow here in Spain and all the spaniards were freaking out. Apparently some professors were debating canceling classes – it was barely a dusting of snow. Also, spaniards walk around with umbrellas when it’s snowing: it looks weird. The snow was actually fun though. I can handle 2 days of barely any snow more so than the 2 feet of snow that Michigan has now. I also got my first spain exam back in my vocabulary class… I think there was more red pen from the professor than my black pen writing. Side note, I had no idea what BB means and that’s my grade – cool haha


Friday night a group of us were craving american food so we went to dominos for pizza. It was SO GOOD! and it was really cheap so that is nice too. Friday night Sonia told me she had a surprise for me for breakfast. CHURROS and CHOCOLATE! Sonia made her family recipe for chocolate and they were fantastic. Sonia did burn herself while making them though. The struggle is that she has no medicines in the house – she doesn’t like medicines. After she burned herself she nonchalantly told me that she probably would lose feeling in her finger and she was fine with that. Are you kidding me?!? I went into my room and got my first aid kit and doctored up her burn and she told me that the Neosporin felt so good on her finger and that it was already feeling better. My word, I would never just accept losing feeling in my finger. Probably a good thing I got placed with Sonia.

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Monday was the start of a week filled with exams… Monday, I had an exam in my Calvin spanish history class; Tuesday – Spain art history class; Wednesday was Spain vocabulary class – I found out about this one the day before. To say I was stressed was an understatement. Sonia could tell I was stressed too so she kept making me hot chocolate and bringing it to my room. Thursday morning is when we left for our Calvin excursion to the south of Spain: we left at 6 in the morning and it was a struggle to walk to the bus stop at 5:45 in the morning. Thankfully it was a pretty walk.


In southern spain we visited Toledo, Aranjuez, Granada, Córdoba, Sevilla, and Salamanca. Toledo was my favorite – it is absolutely beautiful. It is a city that is almost completely surrounded in a river. If I were to live in Spain, I would live in Toledo.


I have a ton of pictures from the excursion that would probably take 4 hours to upload onto the blog so I will try and get them up on facebook eventually.

In Córdoba there is a mosque that has a cathedral in the center of it and it is amazing. We walked around the mosque for awhile which was dark and not well lit and then we entered the cathedral part which is super tall and full of windows and really bright. SO PRETTY! My goal for Spain was to be in a cathedral and hear and organ play and when we were in the cathedral part the organ started and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard in my life. I love the organ!!

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The bus ride home from Salamanca was a killer because my parents were waiting for me in Oviedo. Unfortunately, I missed the first 3 or 4 days of my parents being in Spain because of the excursion but Sonia took care of them while I was gone. As we started getting close to Oviedo, I slowly made my way up towards the door until I was borderline standing on the steps ready to run out of the bus. Sonia made sure my parents were at/near the bus stop so that I could see them right away. I took of running and my mom and I did the super cute running hug deal and my dad snapped the cutest picture.


We are the cutest! Apparently no one got off the bus and all watched the reunion and a couple even started crying. So these past few days have been filled with hanging out with my parents. We have been touring the city, going out to eat, shopping and just enjoying the time we have together. It has been absolutely wonderful – I love having my parents here and I wish they could stay longer. I get to spend the weekend with them in Piedras Blancas on the coast before they leave on Monday.

Also, Sonia LOVES my parents. The other night we were watching our favorite TV show and Sonia said we had to take a selfie and send it to my parents. Too fun.IMG_1746_2

Cool thing about Oviedo: In San Francisco Park, there is a garden type thing that tells the date and they change it every day, so on Mom’s birthday we obviously had to get a picture of her with her birthday.


Con Amor,

emily jo koops